Become a Nutrition Coach

Your Career as a Weight Management Practitioner

Your Career as a Nutrition Coach

Long-term upward trends in health consciousness and obesity rates in Australia have increased demand for health and fitness services. As a Nutrition Coach, you can play a crucial role in helping your clients by utilising the latest nutritional science research,  interventions for health and performance, and providing customised nutrition plans.

The Certificate in Performance Nutrition is ideal for existing health and fitness professionals, including personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches looking to add nutrition coaching to their services. Anyone passionate about health and nutrition, whether for their own personal performance goals or as a career would benefit from studying the Certificate in Performance Nutrition. 

What does a Nutrition Coach do?

When it comes to navigating optimal weight, nutrition and meal planning here’s how you can help your clients as a nutrition coach:

  • Provide personalised meal plans for your clients 

  • Apply the latest research and science, relating to nutrition principles

  • Deliver recommendations relating to how nutrition can support specific training goals

Career Snapshot

Holistic health fitness wellbeing

Industry Outlook

7.2% Growth
(next 5 years)

Holistic health fitness wellbeing


Nutrition Coach Salary Average $55, 000 (AUD)

Holistic health fitness wellbeing

Health Consciousness of Australians

0.9% (2021 - 2022)

Sources: – Nutrition Coach (Aus, 2022), IBIS Health Consciousness (2022) & Labour Market Insights – Nutrition Professionals (2021)

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