What do my job prospects look like with regards to a career in health and fitness?

It doesn’t matter whether you are studying to become a lawyer, a journalist or a personal trainer – at the end of your education, you’re going to want to know what the chances of are of you landing your dream job just as soon as you have that shiny, new certificate in hand.

That’s only natural – after all, we go to college with the intention of learning new skills, gaining more experience, and perhaps meeting a few potential future employers along the way. At Onfit Training College, our founders, Don and Rhonda Bacchi, have over 50 years of health and fitness training experience between them.

Witness the fitness (of your career prospects)

That experience, combined with Onfit’s fresh and innovative approach to teaching and learning, means that our graduates stand themselves in excellent stead when it comes to searching for that perfect position. Let’s take a look at what you can expect from the job market once you have completed your studies with Onfit Training College.

Onfit’s graduates stand themselves in excellent stead when it comes to searching for that perfect position.

Firstly, it’s important to understand that there is a vast array of different kinds of jobs in the health and fitness industry, whether it’s down at the local gym, a private studio or even going it alone by building your own training business. Whether you’re taking a starting with the Certificate III in Fitness, or taking a specialised Certificate IV in Fitness, your qualification from Onfit Training College is a ticket that will help you get your foot into the door of a broad range of career opportunities.

Crunching numbers (and abs)

Let’s examine your job prospect in clear, black and white numbers. According to figures released by IBISWorld, the Australian health and fitness industry is worth a cool AU$1 billion a year, and has grown 3.5 per cent in the five years between 2011 and 2016. The industry is projected to grow to be worth around $1.4 billion over the next five years, and over 20,000 people are employed in the sector – again, a number that is only expected to rise!

Personal trainers are in hot demand to help whip Australia back into shape.Personal trainers are in hot demand to help whip Australia back into shape.

Australian fitness needs your help!

Those numbers are healthy enough, but the majority of Australians aren’t. The Australian Institute of Health & Welfare has found that nearly two adults in three (63 per cent) are either overweight or obese and, in these health-conscious times, that’s a number that everyone will want to see fall. To back this up, The Australian Business Review (ABR) states the land Down Under is the fifth most obese in the world. Who can help reverse this alarming trend? Personal trainers, health workers and fitness instructors, of course – over 3.3 million Aussies use a professional fitness service each year, according to the ABR – and you could play a big part in getting Australia fighting fit and healthy!

Get in touch with Onfit Training College today to find out more.