Third-Party Arrangements
Onfit Training College has Third Party Arrangements with the following organisations. These
organisations assist in the training, assessment or recruitment of students on behalf of Onfit Training
College. Details regarding each relationship are included below. Onfit Training College, RTO 32107, is
responsible for the quality assurance of all Nationally Accredited Training included within these
arrangements. For more information, please contact Onfit Training College on 1300 557 637 or


F45 (Australia)

Qualifications within arrangement: Certificate III in Fitness, Certificate IV in Fitness.

F45 provide the following services on behalf of Onfit Training College:

  • Advertising and Marketing

As F45’s preferred education provider in Australian, F45 advertise study pathways for members and staff.

Onfit Training College is responsible for the quality assurance and issuance of the Nationally Accredited Qualifications.


Online Courses Australia

Qualification within arrangement: Certificate III in Fitness, Certificate IV in Fitness.

Online Courses Australia provide the following services on behalf of Onfit Training College:

  • Advertising and Marketing

Onfit Training College provides a pathway for students who have enquired at Online Courses Australia but are interested in nationally accredited training (which is not offered at Online Courses Australia). Online Courses Australia refers interested prospective students to Onfit Training College.

Onfit Training College is responsible for the quality assurance and issuance of the Nationally Accredited Qualifications.