

Why did you choose to study with Onfit?

Onfit provides the flexibility needed to study whilst still living a busy life day to day. Onfit also gives you plenty of time to complete the courses. I finished my Cert IV in one year, with 6 months’ time still available to me if needed, so there was no need to stress about strict time scheduling, as I could just fit in study according to my work schedule. When I got stuck, the e-tutors were great in responding in a timely manner and efficiently answering/dealing with my queries and challenges.

What have you enjoyed about your experience studying with Onfit?

My study was self-paced and encouraged self-motivation and persistence. I enjoyed learning the interesting and detailed content that the Allied Health Cert IV course contained. The course always had varied methods of assessment and a vast supply of resources which were great learning tools. I also enjoyed completing my Boxing for Fitness course, which provided me with another skill to use when personal training my clients – it only took me one month, so it didn’t interrupt my Certificate IV at all and I had completed a new qualification in no time!

What do you plan to do with your qualifications / what are you doing after graduating?

I have already gained part-time employment as a Grade 2 Allied Health Assistant, just one month after finishing my course. I have been given the opportunity to work in a hospital, working two days in the acute ward and one day in the rehabilitation centre; meaning my other two days of the week are available to continue my current Personal Training endeavours.