

What To Expect Studying a Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance

Allied Health is undeniably one of the most rapidly growing areas in the health workforce within Australia. With more than 200,000 registered practitioners providing more than 200 million health services annually, this number is expected to only continue growing as demand increases over the next decade in line with Australia’s ageing and changing population.


What is an Allied Health Assistant?

An Allied Health Assistant works under the supervision and delegation of an allied health professional to assist in providing and running therapeutic and health program related services. While an Allied Health Assistant will work within clearly defined parameters and supervision levels, the role can be very flexible due to the wide range of industries that fall within the scope of allied health services. An Allied Health Assistant can work within a range of industries including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, aged care, podiatry, speech pathology, dietetics and nutrition, and social work.

Some tasks are consistent regardless of the specific industry, for example client record-keeping and scheduling, whereas more hands-on tasks can differ depending on the role.  

The work environment can often be exciting, rewarding, and there is also opportunity for career advancement and growth.


Can I Enrol in the HLT43015 – Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance through Onfit Training College?

There are no entry requirements to enrol in the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance. Whether you’ve been working in a health-related role before, or have no experience, the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance is suitable pathway to start or further your career in healthcare. Regardless of your experience level, an interest in helping people and the healthcare industry is recommended!


What will I learn in the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance?

Onfit’s Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance provides two pathways with the option for students to choose between a specialisation in Community Rehabilitation or Physiotherapy. Both certifications will qualify you as an Allied Health Assistant, but will offer more specialised learning in the area that most interests you.


Theoretical and Industry Knowledge

In this course you will work through 16 competencies covering everything from legal and ethical compliance, interpreting and using medical terminology, following safe work practices in direct client care, addressing the needs of clients living with chronic illnesses, and building relationships with clients and other industry professionals. 

These units will provide you with the theoretical background and understanding of how the allied health industry works, what sort of situations you may find yourself working in, and most importantly, how you can best perform in your chosen field.

Your knowledge and understanding of the theory will be assessed in several ways including multiple choice quizzes, short answer questions, case studies and a verbal assessment with one of your course instructors. You will also undergo practical assessment that involves recording simulated role play. This tests your understanding of putting theory into practice and ensures that you are ready to safely commence work placement.


Hands-On Experience

The Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance requires the completion of 120 hours of work placement. This involves working in the field within an allied health service gaining invaluable hands-on experience; meeting and interacting with clients, coworkers and service providers; putting your theory into practice; and gaining confidence before you seek employment in the industry.

Onfit Training College supports all students with work placements, as part of our Work Placement support program.


What are my Career Options after Completing a Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance through Onfit Training College?


  • Allied Health Assistant

As we mentioned earlier, the Allied Health industry is diverse and employment in this role would likely include working under supervision to develop and confirm client treatment plans and programs, and assisting clients to achieve identified goals. This role is likely to include client record keeping, scheduling and appointment setting.


  • Physiotherapy Assistant

This is an Allied Health Assistant working specifically within physiotherapy. These roles include assisting physiotherapists working with clients to achieve physical health and optimal wellbeing.


  • Community Rehabilitation Assistant

Community Rehabilitation Assistants can work within a range of health settings and with a range of allied health professionals including at-home care, allied health private practice, and rehabilitation within a hospital setting. These roles focus on assisting clients to rehabilitate and engage within the community.


Why Study with Onfit Training College?

Onfit’s mission is to help students build a rewarding career within the health and fitness industry, and with more than 13 years’ experience, our ‘whole package’ learning system is tried and tested.

By enrolling in the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance through Onfit, you will have all course resources provided as well as relevant and up-to-date lesson plans for an ever-changing industry. You have access to our ‘Circle of Support’, offering student support 7 days a week to ensure you achieve your goals. Our courses are also completely flexible and able to be tailored to fit your schedule.

For more information on student experiences read our earlier blog about Teyden Pearl, what led to his decision to study the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance, and how he has found his experience studying with Onfit Training College.

If you’re interested in enrolling in or finding out more information about a career as an Allied Health Assistant head to the course page here, or contact our team here to ask any questions and further discuss your study and career options.