

5 brilliantly named exercises to teach your clients


As a qualified personal trainer, there’s no doubt you’ll have your own preferred methods when it comes to putting together the perfect training plan for your individual clients. Of course, because those that come to you for help will have a broad range of different aims, each plan that you create will have to be tailor-made to suit specific needs.

However, it’s important to keep it interesting for your clients, so they stay motivated as they continue training with you. According to research carried out by the Parliament of Australia, some 67.5 per cent of Aussie adults don’t exercise, or get very little exercise, at all. This proportion is high for a number of reasons – it’s common for people to lack confidence, think exercise is boring, or that it’s too hard.

Some 67.5 per cent of Aussie adults don’t exercise, or get very little exercise, at all.

With the help of a skilled, professional personal trainer like yourself, your clients will be less daunted by the idea of exercise and with these fun and brilliantly named moves, they’ll be sure to remember your sessions for all the right reasons! You’ll be there to teach them correct technique, ensure they see results and vary their programs so they stay with it for the long haul. With your help, they’ll be coming back for more, so try teaching them these fantastically named, yet simple exercise ideas that they can do practically anywhere, anytime.

The Superman

Just like the Caped Crusader himself, The Superman can deliver finely sculpted abs, as well as bolster those hamstrings. Mainly, though, it’s all about the back. Supermans may be even more beneficial to the body than crunches, as they can promote excellent posture and build strength in the lower and upper back muscles.

The Superman can deliver strength akin to the Man of Steel himself.

The Superman can deliver strength akin to the Man of Steel himself.

To do them, lie straight, flat, and face down on an exercise mat. Extend your arms in front of you, just like Superman, and you’re ready to begin!

Raise your arms, legs and chest off the floor at the same time, holding your position for around three seconds, exhaling as you do so. In a controlled manner, lower your limbs and body back down to their initial position whilst breathing out, performing as many repetitions as you see fit.

The Dead Bug 

The what now? How can an exercise with this name be of any use to your clients? Trust us, it’s a winner. The Dead Bug takes its name from the position you take up when starting it. Like an actual dead bug, lie on your back and raise both your arms and legs alternatively, without arching the spine.

The Dead Bug targets the abdominal muscles, and because there are a full range of motions to choose from, strength and muscle can build across the body. Additionally, the Dead Bug shows those that practice it how to properly brace, which is an important technique used to safeguard the spine during deadlifts and squatting.

No equipment is necessary to carry out a sumo squat, making it perfect for the client who can’t always make it to the gym or your studio.

The Sumo Squat

Have you ever watched a sumo wrestling match? Before the two fighters engage, they squat in a certain manner that allows them to size each other up, and it’s from this position that the move takes its curious moniker. The sumo squat targets the glutes, quads, and even those hard-to-reach inner thighs, so it’s well worth teaching this simple move to your clients to keep the legs strong.

The sumo squat targets the glutes, quads, and even those hard-to-reach inner thighs.

With your hands in front of your waist, have your feet at twice shoulder width. Keep the abs tensed, then lower your body as far as you can push it by keeping your hips back and your knees bent. At the bottom, push yourself back to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner. For even better results, hold a dumbbell in each hand – the weight can be of your choosing!


The Russian Kettlebell Swing

No one knows precisely why this move is known as Russian Kettlebell Swing, but it’s likely to differentiate it from the American version. Certainly, it has nothing to do with huge bears, vodka or perilous winters – rather, it’s a versatile move that will work a huge portion of your body.

Kettlebells in themselves are hugely versatile pieces of equipment, and the Russian swing will improve and build upon glutes, lower back, hamstrings, and a myriad of muscles in the legs and shoulders. What’s more, the Russian kettlebell swing has a relatively low learning curve, so it’s great to teach those new to fitness. Even though it’s just a single exercise, the Russian kettlebell swing can almost be counted as a full-body workout, such is its versatility. Here is how you do it.

Hold the kettlebell just below the groin, and then swing it up towards your chest level. When your arms are parallel to the floor (i.e. a 90 degree angle to your body is created) lower the weight back towards the starting position – and that’s it. Just be sure that the power for this exercise is coming from the hips, ensuring the spine is perfectly stable and neutral. How does such a basic move give so many muscles such a workout? It’s actually pretty simple.

When the kettlebell reaches chest level, the glutes and quads will be contracted, and the abs fully engaged. With the stomach tensed, the lats will work in conjunction with the shoulders to keep things moving. Phew!

The kettlebell is a hugely versatile piece of equipment. The kettlebell is a hugely versatile piece of equipment.

The Thruster

Don’t worry, this move isn’t as rude as it sounds, but it is another great all-over body workout that’s pretty simple in its execution. The Thruster will really get the heart pumping, as it combines a front squat with a push press. No less than seven muscle groups are targeted by the Thruster – quads, glutes, abs, upper back and triceps to name a few of them. So how do you do it?

From a standing position, rack a bar on your shoulders and do a standard front squat. When you return to the standing position, lift the bar overhead, hold, and return it back to your shoulders. The Thruster is a move that’s tough to begin with – but it can work wonders with perseverance.

Be sure to get in touch with the expert team at Onfit Training College if you’d like to know more about becoming a personal trainer – with exercises like the above to talk about, your professional life can never become dull![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]