

What makes group training classes so effective?

Have you ever been in this scenario with a client: you’re counting down the minutes or the reps in a workout, but your client keeps falling short of the target? They had 10 more minutes to go, but only made it to eight, and put the weights down at seven reps instead of 12.

The frustrating part is that you know they are capable of achieving this goal, you’re a professional personal trainer and you designed this exercise plan specifically to them.

If you’re sitting down with a client and you’re both stumped as to what is missing from this equation maybe you need to look at it a different way. Your client isn’t physically incapable of hitting these goals, but rather, they just aren’t there mentally.

Here are a few of reasons why working out with a class can be more effective than working out solo.

Working out with a group of people can be great motivation for those who are struggling with solo exercises. Working out with a group of people can be great motivation for those who are struggling with solo exercises.

Others hold you accountable 

When you workout with a group of people, you suddenly have people who want to see you succeed. The psychological bond you make with people who are going through something together makes you both stronger. So much stronger, in fact, that one study published in NCBI found that 95 per cent of people who participated in a weight-loss program with friends finished the program together. And not only did they finish, but 42 per cent of those also maintained their weight management after the program ended.

Whatever the goal may be, at the end of the day you are more accountable when you do it with friends. Why is that? Well, that question brings us to our next point.

You get an additional source of motivation 

Some people might be a little shy about working out with a group, but once you remember that you’re all in this together, things get so much easier. The social aspect of working out with a group also helps you reframe working out from an activity that can, let’s face it, sometimes be considered pretty torturous, to a fun activity. It’s a lot easier to get a good workout in when you are looking forward to going, instead of dreading how many reps you’re going to have to do. And we’re only talking about the motivation it takes to get you to the gym.

Having others doing the exercises with you could spark your competitive side.

When that little voice inside your head is telling you no, it’ll be easier to tune out when a room full of real voices are telling you yes. Having others doing the exercises with you could spark your competitive side. When the person to your left is going the extra mile, you might be encouraged to do so as well. Working out with people who are stronger than you has actually been proven to increase your drive.

Being social makes us happy 

Accountability and motivation aside, being social with people who share the same ambitions as you makes you happier, and happiness makes you more successful. Happiness instils an energy in everyone that gives you an extra spring in your step allowing you to be more productive.

As you can see, there are more reasons than one to get your clients in a group setting to help them reach their fitness goals. But if you want to be with them every step of the way, then you need to get your group fitness instructor certification as well. Here at Onfit Training College, we can help you get you trained up in no time.

Contact us today and let’s get started on this journey together – fitness isn’t just physical, it’s mental!