

Australia’s Top 9 Personal Training Blogs To Keep You Inspired

Looking for inspiration or just a great place to stay up to date with what’s happening in Australia’s Fitness Industry? Some of these blogs are for personal trainers and some are for those that want to benefit from personal training. As a group of ten, we think they provide a great range of news and views, tips and tricks, for all. We’re not endorsing any of these individuals or companies as the perfect partner for you; we’re simply saying we love their blogs and the way they present their information to a target audience. From a personal trainer’s perspective, a blog offers the opportunity to stay connected with clients and build a client list rapidly.


This is a lively site, with regular blog content covering a range of health and training issues. It’s very visual, giving tips and tricks in an easy-to-understand way with an easy sign-up procedure to receive personal training and general health and wellbeing updates.

nardianormanNardia Norman

Nardia is a personal trainer who specialises in helping women with self-confidence and body issues through a personal training regime. Her blog is informative and fun, covering a wide range of topics for all personal training clients.

bodystylingfitnessBodystyling Fitness

This is a blog and website with a more advertorial feel. The author shows how to self-promote through a website, with a large part of the content providing information for those who want to become fit in Adelaide, and all encouraging sign-up to health and fitness programs. One potential drawback is that the blog is very image intensive, so can be slow at loading.


wellfitWellFit Personal Training

This blog is a great mix of subject matters, helping personal training clients to discover their goals and also realise the psychological side of personal training. It’s easy to navigate, and each post tells a story in a fun and conversational tone.

theptdcThe PTDC

The PTDC is a collaborative blog from a whole bunch of personal trainers around the world. Here you’ll find personal training stories and tips for success as a personal trainer, from marketing to sales to nutrition to niche skills; all written with the personal trainer’s business in mind.


thriveThrive Personal Training

This is the blog of Canberra based personal trainer Megan Hinchley, who works in the gyms in and around her local area. We love her clean style, and the fact that she mixes the psychology of personal training with the nuts and bolts of exercise regimes. We only wish she would post more often!

enterprisefitnessEnterprise Fitness

This blog, from owner and entrepreneur Mark Ottobre, takes a different format. He invites questions and comments, and then posts videos answering them. It’s a really personal way of introducing himself, showing his expertise, and encouraging interaction. Take a look, it’s well worth a visit.

The Body Consultantsthebodyconsultants

This blog has a branded feel, with each day of the week being given to a particular subject (Fat Loss Fridays, Workout Wednesdays, etc). This helps clients know exactly the type of content they will be receiving, and each blog contains handy hints. Like Mark Ottobre’s blog, there are plenty of videos adding to the experience.

Blogs get the message out

People love blogs. They are easily accessible, and can be digested in just a few minutes. They are a great way of advertising a business, as well as staying in touch with current clients and industry trends. By adding a sign-up page, a personal trainer can immediately increase his or her contact list with the email details of potential clients who are interested in what the personal trainer has to offer.